
An outstanding piece which has become one of  the most iconic and sought after prints in Robert Taylor’s portfolio.
Variation Variation Price Description Quantity Add To Cart
1250Limited Edition With five signatures
75Giclee Studio Proofs $795.00 Ships rolled (Please ask about stretching)


August 17th, 1943 saw one of the most remarkable and cleverly conceived air strikes in history. Led by the brilliant strategist Colonel Curtis LeMay, 147 B-17s of the American 8th Air Force’s 4th Wing headed out from their British bases to bomb the Messerschmitt factory at Regensburg, some 750 miles distant, with a brief to fly on to North Africa. Meanwhile, 230 B-17s of the 1st Wing headed for the bearing factories at Schweinfurt. Having such vital targets, the crews of the mighty 8th knew they were in for a fight. What they got that day was one of the fiercest air battles of the war.

Robert Taylor’s impressive painting reconstructs the scene as badly damaged B-17s of the 91st and 381st Bomb Group, which suffered most casualties, battle their way home over the Antwerp area of Holland. A Messerschmitt Me109 makes a high speed attack, while above, another prepares to dive through the formation.

High above, now out of ammunition and low on fuel but with 17 confirmed victories, Hub Zemke’s 56th Fighter Group P-47s contrail their way out fo the area. Meanwhile, Johnnie Johnson takes up the fight, diving his Spitfires into the fray as the RAF take up where the 56th left off.


Each print is personally signed by some of the most prominent and important figures of the USAAF, Luftwaffe and RAF during WWII:

Generalleutnant ADOLF GALLAND Knights Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords & Diamonds / 104 victories
Air Vice MarshalJOHNNIE JOHNSON CB CBE DSO** DFC* – 38 victories
Colonel HUBER “HUB” ZEMKE – 17 ¾ victories
Generalleutnant GÜNTHER RALL Knights Cross with Oak Leaves & Swords – 275 victories

This outstanding piece has become one of the most sought after pieces in Robert Taylor’s extensive portfolio and a serious collector’s item for aviation enthusiasts and autograph hunters.


Using the most sophisticated digital Giclée technology, each Canvas Proof is printed directly on to fine canvas creating the look and feel of an original painting. Each canvas is stamped on the back, numbered and titled.

Two sizes of canvas are available:
Stretched canvas size: 38″ wide x 24″ high
Stretched canvas size: 60″ wide x 38″ high

Additional information




Overall Print Size

Print: 34 x 25 inches
Canvas sizes: 38″x 24″ & 60″ x 38″ inches

Release Date



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