In one of the boldest precision raids of World War II, the valiant men of 617 Squadron breached the mighty dams of Germany. They were the Dambusters.
On the night of 16/17 May 1943, nineteen Lancasters and 133 men from the recently formed 617 Squadron carried out one of the most spectacular precision raids in the history of air warfare. This highly secret undertaking went under the code name of Operation Chastise, but the world would come to know it simply as the Dambuster Raid.
Robert Taylor’s world famous portrayal of the moment that the Möhne Dam was breached in Operation Chastise sold out almost immediately when it was originally released and has since joined the ranks of the most collectible limited air combat editions ever published.
Each print is individually signed by the artist and the following Aircrew who took part in the Dambusters mission:
Flt Lt GEORGE CHALMERS DFC DFM – Wireless Operator on Lancaster AJ-O, he attacked the Ennepe Dam.
Sgt RAY GRAYSTON RAF – Flight Engineer on Les Knight’s Lancaster AJ-N that breached the Eder Dam.
Sqn Ldr GEORGE “JOHNNY” JOHNSON DFM – Bomb-Aimer on Lancaster AJ-T, scored a direct hit on the Sorpe.
Flt Lt EDWARD JOHNSON DFC – Bomb Aimer on Lancaster AJ-N which breached the Eder.
Sgt DUDLEY HEAL DFM – Navigator on Ken Brown’s Lancaster AJ-F which hit on the Sorpe dam.
Using the most sophisticated digital Giclée technology, this Studio Proof is printed directly on to fine canvas creating the look and feel of an original painting. The canvas is fully authorized and personally signed by the artist, stamped on the back, hand numbered and titled.
Studio Proof stretched size: 36” wide x 24” high
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