Coming In Over the Estuary By Robert Taylor – Framed


P-38J Lightnings of the 364th Fighter Group return from a strafing mission over France in the summer of 1944. Making their land-fall at just 100 feet, they skim across an estuary on England’s south coast, near the old village of Bosham.

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Framed Collectors Piece $995.00 Framed and signed by five P-38 Fighter Aces signatures
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P-38J Lightnings of the 364th Fighter Group return from a strafing mission over France in the summer of 1944. Making their land-fall at just 100 feet, they skim across an estuary on England’s south coast, near the old village of Bosham.

With his unmistakable skill and vivid imagination Robert cleverly contrasts the exhilaration of low-level combat flying, with the peaceful atmosphere of a quiet coastal setting, emphasizing that curious blend of war and peace that was the daily lifestyle of the World War II flyer.


This atmospheric print is individually hand-signed by the artist and five distinguished P-38 Aces who flew in combat in the European Theater:

Colonel DARREL WELCH5 victories
Major NEWELL ROBERTS8 victories
Lieutenant Colonel FRANK HURLBUT9 victories
Major JACK ILFREY8 victories
Major THOMAS MALONEY8 victories

The outstanding signatures on this stunning print make it perfect for the aviation art enthusiast or autograph hunter.

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